Design, automate, improve, and iterate

Identify candidates
and create blueprints

Leverage ADONIS’ robust analysis capabilities to identify ideal candidates for automation throughout your process portfolio. Effortlessly create, validate, and implement workflow blueprints directly into the automation engine.

Get your automations
up and running

Empower your experts with low-code/no-code tools, enabling them to effortlessly create workflows. Free up more time for innovation and driving organizational advancement.

Monitor progress and improve in iterations

Promote continuous process improvement through informed decision-making. Monitor process performance to identify fresh opportunities for optimizing and streamlining your business operations, using automated workflows as needed.

And there’s so much more you can do.

Amplify Process Automation with these advanced functionalities.

BPMN 2.0-Based
Process Definition

Benefit BPMN 2.0 in ADONIS for enhanced automation & workflow efficiency

Reusable No-Code

Use existing processes or easily start
designing new ones


Ensure model completeness, accuracy, and readiness for automation

Fast Deployment

Deploy effortlessly with a single click.
Simple, fast, and without any hassle.

Automate Anywhere

Initiate your processes with a simple “play” button, whether from ADONIS or remotely on the go.

Your ace for Process Automation and all things BPM


You need to acquire ADONIS Process Automation Connector to access all features for this solution.

Curious how it works? Contact us through the form below.

You can accomplish more in Process Automation by connecting ADONIS with:

ADONIS Process Manager for Confluence

Reach a broader audience. Use the live integration for Confluence.

ADONIS Process Manager for SharePoint

Make your process knowledge accessible to a wider audience. Embed your process viewpoints in SharePoint.

ADONIS Process Simulation

Make better decisions for process automation by bringing your digital twin to life.

ADONIS Strategy & Performance Management

Monitor and steer your initiatives by tracking the status and trends of your Targets and KPIs.

Intrigued? Get a demo of Process Automation today!

Experience Process Automation first-hand by having our team give you a demo in ADONIS.

And there’s so much more you can do.

Discover ADONIS’s dedicated solutions or immerse yourself in the full BPM suite